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2013 Scholarship Recipients

A total of $8,700 was recently awarded to members of our church for the upcoming school season. Here is a breakdown of the scholarships and recipients:

Ptacek Medical Careers Scholarship: $1,400 to Karmen Wehrhan who is in her 5th year of pharmacy school;

Helen Poole Scholarship: $500 each to Heidi Menard and Kara Hutton who are pursuing advancing degrees;

Bess Lyon: $250 each to Katie Short, Amy Doolittle, Jessica Patterson, Jan Ryherd, Erica Oberender and Alexis Byrne; and

Helen Johnson: $800 each to Amy Doolittle, Erica Oberender, Alexis Byrne, Kara Hutton, Heidi Menard and Katie Short.

back row L to R: Katie Short, Jan Ryherd; front row L to R: Alexis Byrne, Jessica Patterson
Some of the 2013 Scholarship recipients