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November 24 Happenings

This Sunday, November 24, will be a full day at First Congregational UCC!

At 9:00 a.m.The Adult Sunday school will continue their study of “Life after Death” by discussing the Life After Life video by Ray Moody, and then watching clips of psychic mediums speaking with the departed.

Beginning at 9:15 a.m., the children’s Sunday School will rehearse for the upcoming Christmas Pageant, which will be held Sunday, December 8 during worship.

Our worship service will focus on the themes of Thanksgiving and our departed saints, and during the service everyone will have the opportunity to come forward and light a candle in memory of loved ones who are deceased. This ritual of remembrance is being held on the last Sunday of the church calendar year, and it is a powerful way to mark the transition to a season of joy and new life: Advent—the time of preparation for the birth of Christ.

Sunday evening at 7 p.m. First Congregational will host the Webster City Ministerial Association’s annual Community Thanksgiving service. Rev. Michael Slininger of Faith UMC will preach, our chancel choir will sing, and we will take up a Thanksgiving Offering to benefit the Webster City Schools Backpack Program. Refreshments provided by our Women’s’ Fellowship will be served following the service.

In the afternoon we would like to invite you to the All Cultures Equal Festival Of Trees that is taking place this weekend at The Bridge.  Our church is one of the participants in this holiday event.  The festival will be held from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday, it is also 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday with chili and cinnamon rolls being served both days. A raffle (tickets are $1 per ticket) will be held for a 16GB iPad Mini, gift cards, jewelry, home decor and much more.  Come out and enjoy the holiday season….hope to see you there.

See you Sunday!