The Mission Board helps the church engage in various missions by initiating projects and then building enthusiasm for these projects and programs.
The board promotes special appeals for the 4 special offerings of the UCC, as well as recommending a level of support for Our Churches’ Wider Mission, which supports the wider ministries of the United Church of Christ.
We are engaged in numerous projects at the local level. Some of our mission projects include:
Preparing and serving meals for the Beacon of Hope, a men’s homeless shelter in Ft. Dodge, 6 times a year.
Planning and hosting an alternative Christmas gift fair that promotes congregational support of a weekly mission during Advent. Past gift fair missions supported include the Lotus women’s shelter, Angel Tree children’s Christmas gift project, Go Serv Global, Stepping Forward Romania ministries, worldwide disaster relief, the Cat Hut, Almost Home no-kill animal shelter, and the local summer lunch program for children.
Raising funds and donating food to our local food pantries.
Earth Day activities to encourage care of the earth, which includes promoting educational materials, distributing seed packets for gardens, community clean-ups, and information about alternatives for plastics.
The Mission Board also supports Heifer International, Domestic Sexual Assault Outreach Center (D/SAOC), SERVV, Ecumenical Human Needs, and other mission projects.